Work in an SME? Here's how to make the case for job-sharing...

At first glance, it might seem like job-sharing and FLEX is a strategy for big employers with large head counts and even bigger budgets to attract and retain diverse talent. But actually it’s also a really smart solution for SMEs. So if that’s where you’re working and you want to make a case for sharing, here’s what you need to know:

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Sara Allen
How do I know who makes my perfect job share pair?

This post shares some thoughts on who might make your great job share partner; ideas on where to find your perfect pair; when to look; and also some questions and strategies you can use as prompts for initial conversations. As ever, our advice is about action and outcomes.

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Sara Allen
Nine strategies for attracting and retaining talented women

A recent thread on a women in tech group produced some great suggestions for attracting and retaining women in tech, particularly in a environment where men are in the majority. The suggestions seem so relevant to any industry, that I thought I’d share them here - you might want to share them in your workplace.

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Sara Allen

Consider your career future using Ikigai - a Japanese concept meaning reason for being. You’ll find a downloadable form and a series of questions and prompts to help you do some big thinking.

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