Seven reasons why job-sharing will save your employer money

The question employers put to us most often is “won’t hiring job-sharers cost us more?” It’s a reasonable ask, given that job-sharers should overlap* to realise all of the huge benefits that can bring. But, actually, job-sharers will save money. Here are seven reasons why.

(Hint - you can use these to make a case for job-sharing to your employer/ prospective employer)

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Sara Allen
Job-sharing – what works series: Mark Scantlebury (Strategic creative)

A mime artist and a singer-songwriter walk into the Pru.

It sounds like the start of a joke, but it’s just another day’s work at creative consultancy Quietroom, where everyone works flexibly and there is a profound belief in the power of pairs. What works with this model, and what are the lessons to take from this model for other job-sharers? And how can it be made to work in those same corporate clients that value so highly what Quietroom does for them?

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