Job-sharing: a business case blueprint

You’ve decided you want to job share, you’ve mapped your skills, maybe you’ve even got your job share partner all lined up. And you start checking the jobs boards (including ours).

But – what if you just can’t see the right role for you? What if there are loads of full-time vacancies, but none open to job-sharing?

This situation is more common than is ideal. Job-sharing isn’t mainstream yet, and there are fewer vacancies than there are people wanting to share.

We’re beavering away, raising the profile of job-sharing, of course. But in the meantime we have to persuade employers of the value of job-sharing and make a compelling application.

In our experience, many, many employers are open to job-sharing, once they’ve explored the benefits and practicalities. So - you have to set them out for them.

We've created Job Share Business Case Blueprint, just for you*:

The idea is that you take the format, and tweak it for the employer you are trying to persuade. Use stats and data which are specific to them (look at their annual report or just their website) or relevant to their sector; and reflect their language. You might want to pull part of it into a cover note and attach a more detailed appraisal. Either way, you will show them that you are serious, that you have done the thinking, and that you are a hugely credible applicant.

There are four elements to a compelling business case:

  1. Explain what job-sharing is
  2. Clearly set out the benefits of job-sharing
  3. Show how you will make it work
  4. Answer process questions - head off all of the concerns which an employer (either current or prospective) will have

Access the full documents here:

Job Share Business Case Template

Job Share FAQs - how does it work?

Job Share and flexible working stats

As ever, any questions, drop us a line.

Sara Allen